Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Nashville Newspaper: TN church reels as pastor faces burglary charges

I read an article in the Nashville Tennessean newspaper today about a pastor who has burglarized homes to steal drugs. The town of Smyrna is near Nashville and is well known. BUT- there's something that REALLY bothers me, even MORE than the pastor breaking into people's houses to steal drugs: The CONGREGATION has BANISHED the woman from the church, who reported the crime!!! They want her to "Keep the burglary quiet!"  **This congregation is screwed up.  If it wasn't a pastor breaking in, they'd want the burglar to be hanged. This is what is wrong with some churches. They are so "hell-bent" on saving the face of the crooked pastor that the attack the woman he burglarized!!!  Wackos!!

SMYRNA — After prescription painkillers kept disappearing from her bathroom, Jean Harris set up a surveillance camera on her garage and pointed it to a side door on her house.
What she saw on the tape sickened her, but she didn’t know what to do with the information.
How do you call the police and tell them you have a videotape that appears to show your longtime pastor trying to get inside your house when you’re not home?
“It took me a week and a half of prayer,” Harris said Monday. “But if I didn’t, he was going to keep doing this.”

Police have charged Rickey Alan Reed, 55, pastor of First Free Methodist Church on Hazelwood Drive in Smyrna, with aggravated burglary after, they say, Harris’ camera caught him trying to get into her home. Reed is free on bond, tensions are high at church, and police are investigating whether he may have broken into other homes looking for drugs. Harris, who has attended the church for 55 years, says church members have ostracized her and pressured her to keep the burglary a secret.
VIDEO and FULL STORY: http://www.tennessean.com/article/20111011/NEWS01/310110033/2288/NLETTER01/Smyrna-church-reels-as-pastor-faces-burglary-charges?source=nletter-news

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