This year we tried something new for Halloween costumes for our dogs. I tried to make Dolly, the Weimaraner a Banana costume, but Tom said it wound up looking like a bumpy gourd! Our Dachshunds, Franklin and Sprite wore store-bought Monkey costumes.
- What's sad is that they never got to wear them out. Petsmart and Petco had their Halloween events 1 1 /2 weeks BEFORE Halloween, and the daycare Halloween event was cancelled for heavy rain and snow. So, the dogs wore their outfits in the house for these photos only. :(
Monday, October 31, 2011
The Halloween Kiss: A Holiday story for you
Our friend Cathy in PA shared this great story with us. Enjoy and Happy Halloween!
cabbie picks up a nun. She gets into the cab, and notices that
the VERY handsome cab driver won't
stop staring at her. She asks him why he
is staring.
replies: "I have a question to ask,
but I don't want to offend you."
She answers, "My
son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I
am and have been a nun as
long as I have, you get a chance to see and
hear just about
everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say
or ask that I would find
"Well, I've always
had a fantasy to have a nun kiss
She responds, "Well,
let's see what we can do about that - 1) you have to be single
and 2) you must be
The cab driver is
very excited and says, "Yes, I'm single and
"OK" the nun says. "Pull
into the next alley."
The nun fulfills his
fantasy with a kiss that would make a hooker
But when they get
back on the road, the cab driver starts
"My dear child," said the
nun, why are you crying?"
"Forgive me but I've sinned. I lied and I
must confess, I'm married and I'm Jewish."
The nun
"That's OK. My name
is Phil and I'm going to a Halloween party!"
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Happy Halloween: 25 Haunted New England inns
Thanks to our friend Jacquie in Massachusetts, here's a link to the 25 most haunted New England Inns:
2. Green Mountain Inn
Stowe, Vt.
If you feel a peculiar chill near room 302 of the Green Mountain Inn,
stop and listen closely. You may also hear the singing or staccato
clicks of a tap dancer.
Boots Berry was born in room 302 in 1840, and many believe his
spirit remains there. The son of one of the Inn's chambermaids, Boots
grew up and took over his father's job caring for the horses that drew
the Inn's stage coaches. One summer morning, Berry stopped a runaway
coach, saving its passengers. He received a medal for his dramatic
heroism, and a local legend grew around his act. But then Berry started
to drink heavily. He lost his job at the Inn and eventually drifted to
New Orleans. He landed in jail, where he learned to tap dance and earned
the nickname "Boots."
After his release, he returned to Stowe, where he committed a
second heroic act. A young girl became trapped on the roof of the Green
Mountain Inn during a violent snow storm. Berry ran to the roof over
Room 302 through a secret route he'd learned as a child, and saved the
little girl. But Berry wasn't so lucky — he ended up falling from the
roof over the room where he was born.
Berry's spirit remains at the inn he called home a century ago
and he sometimes can be heard tap dancing on the roof or entering his
former Room 302.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Dolly & Franklin to appear in a Calendar- You can get one!
Get your WEIMARANER calendars - featuring a small picture of DOLLY AND FRANKLIN! :) - they were in the top 24, so they got a smaller picture. **SALES benefit the Wolf Creek Weimaraner Rescue- where DOLLY was ADOPTED from.**
They are now accepting pre-orders for the Wolf Creek Weimaraner Rescue 2012 Calendar. More info HERE. Each calendar costs $13 and that includes shipping. You can purchase online via PayPal. or by Credit Card. Remember, you don't have to open or have a PayPal account to use PayPal. If you would like to pay by check, please mail payment to: WCWR 1440 Hillvale Road, Louisville, TN 37777. Please allow 5-7 days for delivery. Questions? email us at
The following Weims finished in the 13th-24th positions and they'll also be featured in a smaller photo format throughout the calendar. So, additional congrats go to: Kismet, Franklin & Dolly, Emma, Dexter, Fin & Izzie, Grace, Marley, BeBe, Meeka, Willie, Rain, and the famous Fowler 5.
They are now accepting pre-orders for the Wolf Creek Weimaraner Rescue 2012 Calendar. More info HERE. Each calendar costs $13 and that includes shipping. You can purchase online via PayPal. or by Credit Card. Remember, you don't have to open or have a PayPal account to use PayPal. If you would like to pay by check, please mail payment to: WCWR 1440 Hillvale Road, Louisville, TN 37777. Please allow 5-7 days for delivery. Questions? email us at
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Wolf Creek Weimaraner Rescue Calendar |
The following Weims finished in the 13th-24th positions and they'll also be featured in a smaller photo format throughout the calendar. So, additional congrats go to: Kismet, Franklin & Dolly, Emma, Dexter, Fin & Izzie, Grace, Marley, BeBe, Meeka, Willie, Rain, and the famous Fowler 5.
Suit over Defense of Marriage Act/ Children in Gay households denied federal benefits
It's about time that Stupid "Defense of Marriage Act" was challenged and WIPED OUT. We're legally married in CT, but it's not recognized in our state. There is so much stupidity, inequality and prejudice while that law remains in effect. Spouses of gay people should be legally recognized.
1) Gay troops to file suit challenging Defense of Marriage Act
By Ed O’Keefe, Published: October 27
The suit comes five weeks after the Pentagon ended its ban on gays in the military. Lawyers plan to sue in federal district court in Boston, the same court that ruled last year that the federal Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional because it interferes with a state’s right to define marriage. That decision is being appealed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit. The 1996 law bars federal recognition of same-sex marriages performed in states that allow them.
Millions of children being raised by gay and lesbian parents in the U.S. lack federal benefits and protections afforded other families, according to a new report from a coalition of LGBT and child welfare groups. The report recommends that LGBT families be treated equally in health insurance and medical decision-making, and that social safety net programs be more inclusive. Google/The Associated Press FULL STORY:
Friday, October 28, 2011
Microchip reunites owner with Tennessee dog found near Detroit
What a great ending to this story. An important lesson to Microchip your dog! - Rob
(Reuters) - Thanks to a microchip, Petey -- the Jack Russell terrier found in Michigan 600 miles from his Tennessee home after being lost for four months -- will be back in his master's lap by Thursday morning.

Every morning, Jim Arrighi, 71, took his morning coffee outside in the small town of Erin west of Nashville with Petey sitting in his lap, until the 4-year-old dog disappeared.
No one knows how Petey made it from rural Erin to Rochester Hills, Michigan, which is about 20 miles north of Detroit, said Kevin Hatman, spokesman for the Michigan Human Society.
Morrison said the family always figured someone had stolen the dog, which has a kind nature and likes to go for rides.
"We don't have any ties in Michigan. Petey had gone a little bit out of the yard. He's a friendly dog," Morrison said in an interview on Wednesday.
After Petey disappeared, the family advertised in local newspapers, put out fliers and even used Facebook to search for the beloved lapdog.
But a microchip Arrighi had implanted in Petey made the difference, Hatman said, adding that fewer than 20 percent of missing dogs and 3 percent of cats are ever reunited with their masters.
"Microchips do make it more likely that a pet will be found," Hatman said. "One in three pets go missing sometime in their lives and the chances of them finding their way home aren't very good."
A Rochester Hills resident found Petey in his back yard and took it to a local Humane Society, where a scan revealed the microchip. Michigan Humane Society volunteer Nancy Geiser began the 600-mile trek to bring Petey home Wednesday. The reunion is set for mid-morning Thursday.
Arrighi had to listen to the Humane Society's phone message that Petey had been found three times before it sank in, Morrison said.
"He was dumbfounded. If it hadn't been for the chip, we'd have never have known what happened to him," Morrison said.
The reunion will be especially sweet for Arrighi, whose wife, Juanita, Morrison's mother, died two weeks ago four days before her 78th birthday, Morrison said.
"She loved that dog, too," Morrison said.
(Writing and reporting by Tim Ghianni; Editing by Mary Wisniewski and David Bailey)
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Enjoying the Sun Porch!
Since we enclosed the sun porch with windows, we're able to enjoy it in the fall- and the dogs really love it because they get a 270 degree view of the backyard. This is a picture of Dolly, Franklin and Sprite enjoying the sunshine on Tuesday, October 25th, 2011 (Rob worked at home and let the dogs enjoy the porch).
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Finally - 3 Important Actions from the White House!
The political gridlock in Washington, D.C. has been really frustrating for everyone. It used to be that Republicans and Democrats would work together. Now, neither want to consider anything the other proposes, so with a GOP majority and a Democratic President, the only alternative to get things done is by Executive Order. So, this week President Obama signed 3 Executive orders to help (about 17% of the population) federal-backed mortgages, veterans who are returning from Iraq to get jobs and students paying loans.
Congress has given the President NO CHOICE but to work through Executive Orders - and I applaud him. As for Congress- I think they all need to be ousted, especially the Tea Party, who won't even work with their Republican colleagues.
Here are the summaries of the THREE Executive Orders now signed into Law:
Congress has given the President NO CHOICE but to work through Executive Orders - and I applaud him. As for Congress- I think they all need to be ousted, especially the Tea Party, who won't even work with their Republican colleagues.
Here are the summaries of the THREE Executive Orders now signed into Law:
1) U.S. throws lifeline to underwater homeowners
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -
Homeowners who owe more than their properties are worth got new help on Monday
with the government's expansion of a refinancing program in a step that could
help up to 1 million borrowers.
The regulator of mortgage finance
giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac eased the terms of a program that helps
so-called underwater borrowers who have made payments on time but have been
unable to refinance.
October 25, 2011 06:04 AM ET WASHINGTON
(Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday that President Barack Obama will
take executive action to help military veterans find work, bypassing
congressional Republicans to show voters he is serious about creating jobs. "Today, we are announcing two new initiatives
that will help create jobs for veterans at community health centers and
expand opportunities for veterans to become physician assistants," a
White House official said.
3) Help for Students Paying Loans
The Administration is moving forward with a new "Pay As You Earn" proposal that will reduce monthly payments for more than one and a half million current college students and borrowers. Starting in 2014, borrowers will be able to reduce their monthly student loan payments to 10 percent of their discretionary income. But President Obama realizes that many students need relief sooner than that. The new "Pay As You Earn" proposal will allow about 1.6 million students the ability to cap their loan payments at 10 percent starting next year, and the plan will forgive the balance of their debt after 20 years of payments. Additionally, starting this January an estimated 6 million students and recent college graduates will be able to consolidate their loans and reduce their interest rates. FULL STORY:
3) Help for Students Paying Loans
The Administration is moving forward with a new "Pay As You Earn" proposal that will reduce monthly payments for more than one and a half million current college students and borrowers. Starting in 2014, borrowers will be able to reduce their monthly student loan payments to 10 percent of their discretionary income. But President Obama realizes that many students need relief sooner than that. The new "Pay As You Earn" proposal will allow about 1.6 million students the ability to cap their loan payments at 10 percent starting next year, and the plan will forgive the balance of their debt after 20 years of payments. Additionally, starting this January an estimated 6 million students and recent college graduates will be able to consolidate their loans and reduce their interest rates. FULL STORY:
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
UK News: Gay man burned to death in Scotland

UK OCTOBER 24, 2011
POLICE fear that the brutal murder of a
gay man who was beaten up, tied to a lamppost and then burned to death
in Ayrshire, Scotland, in the early hours of Saturday
morning could have been a homophobic attack. The charred body of
Stuart Walker, a hotel worker from Cumnock, was discovered by a member
of the public at 5am on Saturday.
Walker is believed to have gone to a party on the Netherthird housing
estate in Cumnock following a night out drinking with friends. He was
last seen at 2.30am. Ayr CID is calling for any witnesses
who saw him after that time to come forward.
"It is imperative that we find out where he was between 2.30am and 4.50am, who he was with and why this happened to him," Detective Inspector John Hogg said on Sunday.
Walker's disappearance came to light when he failed to turn up for his grandmother Margaret McMeekin's 80th birthday party. "We knew something was wrong because he was really close to his gran and wouldn't have missed her party for anything," his cousin John Mullen told the Daily Record. "He was close to everyone who knew him. He was everyone's best pal."
Users of Twitter have reacted to the news that Walker may have been targeted due to his sexuality. A hashtag - #RIPStuartWalker - has been created which has become the number one trending topic in the UK, with newspaper columnists such as India Knight and Suzanne Moore helping to spread awareness of the attack.
Read more:,people,news,gay-man-burned-to-death-in-scotland-stuart-walker#ixzz1bnBRbQfA
Monday, October 24, 2011
3 Things to Know about your Cell Phone
Our friend Kathy in Orlando sent this.. I tried #3 and it works. It's good to keep that info!-
all the folks with cell phones. There are a few things that can be done in times of grave emergencies.
Check out the things that you can do with it:
FIRST (Emergency)
Emergency Number worldwide for Mobile is 112. If you find yourself out
of the coverage area of your mobile network and there is an Emergency,
dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish
the emergency number for you, and interestingly, this number 112 can be
dialed even if the keypad is locked. Try it out.
SECOND (Hidden Battery Power)
your cell battery is very low. To activate, press the keys *3370#. Your
cell phone will restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a
50% increase in battery. This reserve will get charged when you charge
your cell phone next time.
THIRD (How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone? )
To check your Mobile phone's serial number, key in the following Digits on your phone:
*#06# . A 15-digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it somewhere safe.If
your phone is stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them
this code. They will then be able to block your handset so even if the
thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless. You
probably won't get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever
stole it can't use/sell it either.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Number of gay couples who adopt tripled over last decade
I found this article fascinating. With so many more gay couples adopting kids from failed straight marriages, Congress really needs to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act NOW. These kids deserve to have their gay parents recognized. Gay couples that adopt are saving the lives of these children and giving them loving homes that they never had. It's time for Congress to recognize that and allow federal protections to all married couples.
A four-year study cites an easing of restrictions by some states, including rules that allow adoptions from foster care.
Associated Press
The number of gays and lesbians
adopting children has nearly tripled in the last decade despite
discriminatory rules in many states, according to an analysis of recent
population trends.
October 21, 2011
"It's a stratospheric increase. It's like going from zero to 60," said Miami attorney Elizabeth Schwartz, who has coordinated more than 100 adoptions for gay and lesbian families in the last year. "I think many really dreamed of doing this but it wasn't something they ever thought would become a reality."
FULL STORY:,0,4860124.story
Friday, October 21, 2011
A Hunky, New Clark Kent: From the Upcoming Superman Movie
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Henry Cavill as Clark Kent in "The Man of Steel" - Credit: CRAVE online |
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Beefy Henry Cavill as the new Clark Kent! :) Credit: Crave on-line |
CRAVE ON-LINE supplied the photos and this text:
In a coincidental follow-up to just released stills of Henry Cavill from Immortals there arrive more shirtless images of the star, courtesy of CraveOnline and reader Lorraine Louie. This time, though, it's for his role as Clark Kent/Kal-El/Superman in Zack Snyder's Man of Steel.
Little is known about the scene, though Cavill's beard and the clothes he's clutching certainly seem to match other recent photos. Judging from his tattered pants, it's likely that
Cavill joins Amy Adams, Russell Crowe, Diane Lane, Kevin Costner, Michael Shannon, Antje Traue, Ayelet Zurer, Christopher Meloni, Harry Lennix and Laurence Fishburne for the film, scheduled to hit theaters on June 14, 2013.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Weekend Trip: Lancaster, Pennsylvania Part 3: GHOSTS
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Fulton Theatre |
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Alleyway with supposed ghostly horses |
Pennsylvania's Lancaster County is really beautiful. It's also really haunted because of all the Civil War deaths, and slaughters of native Americans. We took the Lancaster, PA Ghost walk and learned that in the building that now houses the Fulton Theatre there are several ghosts. Originally, the theater was a jail - and in the jail a number of Native American men, women and children were slaughtered by hateful, intolerant white men. Those men disappeared and were never prosecuted, according to the tour guide. The now theater also has the ghost of an actress in it, that haunts the main theater. ** Another story on the tour told of a wagon pulled by ghostly horses that rain through a certain alleyway. **
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Troy beneath the doorway of bad energy |
I can't remember the other stories but Troy and I (Rob) both had some ghostly encounters OFF THE TOUR!! Troy is also a developing medium, and he and Rob often confirm each other's senses.
LITITZ, PA BAD AND GOOD GHOSTS - While walking through the quaint town of Lititz, PA, Rob, Tom and Troy went in a number of antique shops. If your sensitive to energy, or are a medium (or even a "medium rare" like I (rob) am)- you can feel good and bad stuff.
THE DOORWAY OF BAD ENERGY - One shop was selling a door frame and two double doors from an Old house. I walked under it and got a headache (as I do when I sense ghosts or spirits- their extra energy overloads my head). I got chills throughout my body and it was a very uncomfortable and bad feeling. Something was wrong there. I called to Troy who walked over and stopped in the doorway. He said "I've got a headache and chills, and there's some bad energy here." CONFIRMED. Troy thought the doorway may be a portal, or we thought that something really bad (murders) happened on either side of the doors. That bad energy stayed with us as we quickly left.
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Next stop: St. James Cemetery |
**CLEAN ENERGY AND A NEWSPAPER GHOST - We went into a store across the street and Tom and I entered followed by Troy. When I entered I took a deep breath and told Tom that it feels really "clean" (of bad energy) and refreshing in there. Troy then said aloud, "It's really refreshing in here- like clean air." We both noticed a female ghost (who was content to be there) at the top of the stairway leading to the 2nd floor. She "told" me that the old elevator in the middle of the building brought "rolls" of products upstairs. I thought it could've been fabric, so I asked the store clerk. She said "rolls of newspaper" were more likely as it was a newspaper office.
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Baby Ellie's tiny grave is 5th from left. |
**GHOSTLY WOMAN AND NATIVE AMERICAN ENERGIES IN THE CEMETERY - There was a burial plot in the St. James Cemetery for all of the Native Americans slaughtered in the Fulton theater (when it was a jail) massacre. Troy happened to walk over near it and sensed energy and even a light. He sensed that they were all at rest. ***While the Native Americans were resting, one caucasian woman was not. At least her ghost wasn't. As we all listened to the tour guide I saw a woman in Victorian-style clothing, a grey dress with white frilly lace sticking out from the bottom, and buckled boots, hair up in a bun, pointing to a tiny gravesite. I "heard her" in my head saying "this is my little girl" and pointing to a small gravestone! She was pretty clear to me. Afterward, we walked over to the gravestone and it was indeed for a little girl named "Ellie." Her mother's ghost is still mourning the loss of one of her babies.
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Tom and Rob arrive at President James Buchanan's House in Lancaster, PA! |
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The Buchanan House |

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Buchanan, photo by Mathew Brady |
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Tom at the front door. |
**A GHOSTLY KNOCK FROM PRESIDENT BUCHANAN'S HOUSE** President Buchanan had a mansion in Lancaster, PA. According to Wikipedia, James Buchanan, Jr. (April 23, 1791 – June 1, 1868 was the 15th President of the United States (1857–1861). He is the only president from Pennsylvania, and the only president who remained a lifelong bachelor. He courted a woman who committed suicide. For fifteen years in Washington, D.C., before his presidency, Buchanan lived with his close friend, Alabama Senator William Rufus King. (Whom Andrew Jackson called "Aunt Fancy.") Circumstances surrounding Buchanan's and King's close emotional ties have led to speculation that Buchanan was gay. (Not surprising).
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Troy sensed a presence here |
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Troy at the front door with "Good energy" |
Like everything else on Sunday in Lancaster County, the Buchanan home was CLOSED. So, we walked around the grounds. All three of us went different directions. In the front of the house, I felt a lot of positive energy, like Buchanan welcomed people there. He (and his partner William King) enjoyed hosting people in the home. Troy sensed the same thing.
Troy and I met up in the front of the house and shared our feelings about it. It was all good feelings. Troy said that he sensed a presence in the top right second floor window. I didn't get that feeling - but I wasn't looking there when he did.
What happened next is something I'll never forget. While Tom was in the backyard sitting on a bench admiring the building, Troy and I were in the front of the building at the right corner. We were looking at the lower right window and said, "James, if you're around, please let us know." We went on to talk about the building and SUDDENLY there was a loud knock from the INSIDE of the Window!!
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A Ghost knocked on this window from inside! |
We were both startled and looked for a way that noise could've been made. Nothing was loose. The house was closed up and there was no one inside... except for James Buchanan!! WOW. That was one incredible audio confirmation!
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Panoramic shot of the grounds of the home of President Buchanan: Credit; Troy C. |
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Rob and Tom in the backyard of the Mansion |
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Weekend Trip: Lancaster, Pennsylvania Part 2
Here are another group of pictures from our Weekend trip to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. These are actually in date order.... I'll just label the captions from here!
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Troy says "Welcome to Lititz, PA where we got good cupcakes" |
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Lititz does have a post office. :) |
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Downtown Lititz is quaint- antiques, pretzels, cupcakes! |
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Tom and Rob inside the Sturgis Pretzel Factory in Lititz! |
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The Challenge: Make the Best Pretzel! |
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Tom wins for most symmetrical anal-retentive Pretzel-hands down! |
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Tom poses at the original Pretzel Ovens -no, he doesn't cook! |
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Rob's favorite picture of a boyishly cute Tom outside Sturgis Pretxels! |
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Now that's a pretzel! |
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A typical home or shop in Lititz, PA |
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Sunrise over the fields behind the hotel, Lancaster Cty, PA |
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Tom taking a pic of Troy's fav. sign |
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Troy posing at his favorite sign! |
Weekend Trip: Lancaster, Pennsylvania Part 1
Tom and I were joined by our friend Troy for a quick overnight trip to Amish Country in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. We've never been and planned it for a couple of weeks. Over the next couple of days I"ll be presenting pictures from the trip - yes, we drove around a LOT so there are pictures of several different places.
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Glass cutting machine at the Columbia, pa glass factory |
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Intercourse Canning Co. workings, Intercourse, PA |
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5 minute explanation of canning at the Canning Co. |
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Outside a closed clockmaker shop, Intercourse, PA |
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Amish Farms in Intercourse, PA |
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Panorama of the grounds of President James Buchanan's homestead. Credit: Troy C. :) and his fancy phone. |
Monday, October 17, 2011
Happy Birthday, Rob
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Tom and Rob |
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Support my (Rob's) Brother for "Councilor at Large" !
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Rob's brother Doug speaking as City Councilor |
My brother Doug is running for Councilor at Large in my hometown. He's now got two opponents, and he's been a councilor for 10 years! He also works full time AND teaches at Suffolk University. Doug has always been a rock for me, and cares passionately about our hometown. I've never seen someone work so hard to make the citizens happy. In fact, Tom and I want him to run for Congress.
He served five terms as Quincy’s Ward 5 City Councilor, including
one term as City Council President. He also served as Chairman of
the City Council’s Downtown and Economic Development Committee helping
to steer historic votes that will provide the framework for $1.6 billion
in private investment in Quincy Center. He’s also supported changes to
strengthen the city’s Responsible Employer Ordinance. He's cleaned the city beaches, and organized cleanups throughout the
city, stenciled drains that informed people that waste water goes
directly to the beach.
As an older brother, I've found inspiration, strength and encouragement from Doug throughout my entire life. The one person throughout my entire life that's ALWAYS been there, through everything, is my brother Doug. When my parents questioned my moving to Washington, DC, or going back to school for a meteorology degree, Doug backed me. He was also there when I came out to my parents, and that was really difficult. I couldn't ask for a better brother. He's always been a best friend throughout my entire life- and he CARES about everyone - no exceptions.Below is info about the accomplishments he's made. For more info, or to donate and help his campaign:
10 Years as a Ward Councilor
- Protecting neighbourhoods
- Improving city services
- Working hard for working families
Experienced, Willing Leader
- President, Quincy City Council
- President, Ward 5 Community Association
- Board of Directors, Massachusetts Municipal Association
- Chairman, City Council Downtown; Veterans Affairs; and
Ordinance Committees - Chairman, Wollaston Beach Task Force & Vice Chair, Quincy
Beaches & Costal Commission - Founder, Friends of Wollaston Beach & Friends of Butler Pond
Dedicated Public Servant and Educator
- 22 years of public service in the Federal Government
- Adjunct Professor, Suffolk University’s Public Management Department