Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hammond- Harwood House Tour- Annapolis, Md.

This weekend we went to Annapolis to visit an historic home that we had not yet toured.
The Hammond-Harwood House in Annapolis, Maryland, United States, is one of the premier colonial houses remaining in America from the British colonial period (1607–1776).   The house was designed by the architect William Buckland in 1773-74 for wealthy farmer Matthias Hammond of Anne Arundel County, Maryland. 
Rob and Tom headed to Harwood House
   The tour was interesting- we've learned a LOT about the furniture. Most of it was crafted by a furniture maker named "Shaw" who had a business in Annapolis. The architecture of the house was interesting (although it smelled musty in there). What's interesting is that the guy that built the home never lived in it and died in his 30s. It was last owned by three elderly sisters that never married and when the last one passed in 1924, the house went to the state of Maryland. 
  - There are NO GHOSTS in the house. I felt nothing through the entire tour. Of course, I was still getting over a cold/congestion etc. but I know that didn't interfere with my sensitivities to ghosts. There wasn't any residual energies there either, which I thought was really odd.  
 - Following are some of the pictures of our adventure (we couldn't take pictures in the house, only the gift shop), and we were joined by our friend Jeff. 

Rob Waiting for tourguide to start

Tourguide giving Rob & Tom a brief introduction

Jeff, Tom and Rob Enjoying Annapolis on the weekend.

This was the weekend weather... Overcast and cool.

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