Friday, July 1, 2011

The Good and the Stupid

This week New York became the 6th state along with the District of Columbia to allow gay marriage. Maryland didn't pass it because of the hateful, d#^$&% (specific churches) church lobby.    When I used to go to church it was about "love everyone and treat everyone as equals" - now it's "Hate people who aren't like us." What happened to Christianity? IT'S VERY SAD.
  Regardless, there are Good things and Stupid things that happened as a result of passing Marriage Equality (and it IS Equal). People who try to use their Bible to legislate marriage are WRONG.  It's a civil right and doesn't need to be a religious thing. Period. It's about a Legal contract. When are these "religious" hatemongers going to understand that?
 - I believe in God, and I'm not against religion, unless it tries to deny people of equal rights. There are a LOT of religions in this country, and many non-religious people who should also not be forced to live under the Bible. 
  - The GOOD NEWS - Gay weddings are expected to generate HUGE dollars for the economy, in addition to giving gay couples the security and legal rights they should have.  The STUPID news is that idiots who are trying to legislate from their Bibles are trying to Oust the senators that voted in favor of equal rights. How damned hateful is that? 
- If there's anyone to hate, it's the stupid people that try to deny others rights using their Bible. Period. 
   Finally -   We have now been happily and legally married for 2 years. That's a year longer than 35% of straight couples on average. So what is the problem? We're an example for straight couples.

  • Weddings set to inject $400 million into New York economy: A report issued last month by New York's Senate Independent Democratic Conference estimated that the legalization of marriage for same-sex couples would create more than $400 million in revenue for the state, over the next three years. The report predicted that more than 66,000 same-sex couples would get married in the state during that time. USA TODAY (6/28) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story  
  •   Anti-gay group targets N.Y. senators who voted for marriage bill: The National Organization for Marriage is promising to spend $2 million to oust seven New York state senators who supported the marriage equality bill. According to the NOM, the senators "betrayed marriage."

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