Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dog Days of Summer

Dolly inside a cool room!
This has been THE hottest summer that I can remember in 20 years in Maryland. We've now had three weeks where the high temperatures have reached the 100+ mark Fahrenheit. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (Today), the heat index has been 116F, 119F, 118F and 101F respectively. There's no relief in sight either, as temperatures are expected to remain in the 90s over the next week here.
 - As a result, asphalt heats up to over 130F so we cannot walk the dogs after the early morning hours, until very late at night, when the sun is setting and it cools down. --- the Hot Asphalt would burn the skin on their paws...
think of walking barefoot on hot asphalt yourself.

Dolly about to give Daddy Tom a  big kiss!

Franklin recovering from paw surgery on a comfy bed

Sprite looking like an opossum!
 - So, here are a couple of pictures from this weekend of the dogs inside. We have let them outside in the back on the grass (which is a lot cooler) for about 5 minutes. Because Sprite, our 14 1/2 year old Dachshund/Chihuahua mix has a heart condition, the really bad air has been making him cough alot. It's also affecting Rob's asthma. Sigh!

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