Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Debt Ceiling Stupidity

Every night we watch the news and grow more and more disgusted with some of the politicians in Washington, D.C just like everyone else.
 - Although both sides need to work together and come to a compromise, (THINK ABOUT THIS:) you CAN'T balance the budget by cutting bills only. You need MORE INCOME. That's why people get a SECOND JOB!  - So, that's why the Republican party's refusal to increase taxes on those making over $250,000 annually is Stupid.  (People making over $250k pay tax rates back to year 2001 levels - and wouldn't YOU like your taxes to be back at 2001 levels?) 
  I wrote to senators in various states that I lived in- and who are the Biggest offenders and fools: Kentucky and Florida. The Maryland senators support a balance of cuts and tax increases- That's how it should be.
 - Do you know anyone on Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security? I know quite a number of friends and relatives that live on those benefits. Under the Republican Party plan- they will be Reduced and Cut!  What the hell? 
  What is the benefit for the GOP to cater only to the rich?  I don't understand. The Republican Party has proven they're only supporting big corporations and people who make more then $250K. If you don't fall in any of those categories and you vote for Republicans in the next election, you're simply voting for your own financial demise. 

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