Monday, May 30, 2011

Photo Journal: Flooring the Sun Porch: Day 2

Sunday was another 12 hour work day, working on the flooring for the Sun Porch and other things. We started with an 8am trip to Lowes for grout and other supplies. First thing was mixing more thinset to attach the remaining 19 tiles that surround the edges. That seemed to go pretty quickly - although it took hours. Next was cleaning out the dried thinset between the tiles with a screwdriver, so we could put the grout down. Grouting took a long time, and the grout didn't seem to want to work well. Maybe it was too watery, although Rob mixed less water with it than was specified. It was messy and kneeling on the tile was uncomfortable because the little grains of grout and thinset lay on the tile. After awhile it was like rope burns on your knees (and hands, because it got on your hands and rubbing against tools gave that burning feeling). While waiting for the grout to dry, we weeded, planted flowers, and shampooed the carpets in the house.
  By 4:30pm much of the grout dried and we started to wash it down. We finished by 7pm (second day in a row it took 11 hours).

Getting the grout at Lowes and more stuff to plant

Step 1: adhering the border tiles in thinset

Last outer tile adhered at 9:53 am EDT

Step 2: cleaning the spaces between tiles for grouting.

Grouting in progress- it was messy!

Step 3: Waiting for it to dry - we tackled other things.

Washing the grout down and cleaning the excess at 6pm.

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