Saturday, March 5, 2011

MD Delegate Tiffany Alston - A lying hypocrite. Vote her out of office

Here's a letter I wrote to  MD Delegate who SPONSORED the bill FOR gay marriage, then listened to HATEFUL "Religious" organizations and VOTED AGAINST IT. *I cannot believe the hatred of churches, and this particular delegate's turn disgusts me. She's a liar and hypocrite. She should be voted out of office for leading the gay community on. *This is NOT a religious matter. It's a CIVIL matter. Church opinions need to be dropped. Period. They don't vote for equality.
Dear Delegate  Alston- I am ashamed of you. I'm disgusted with your vote AGAINST Marriage equality after Sponsoring the legislation. You have let down a large group of Marylanders who supported you.
To bow before "religious" organizations who profess hatred and don't understand civil rights is sickening. Gay marriage is a civil matter and the Maryland bill does not force religious institutions to marry gay couples. Besides, there are many religions in Maryland, not just Christian, and there are agnostics and atheists. Marriage is not about procreation (elderly and infertile couples marry daily), it's about that loving commitment between two people.

I am ashamed that you represent the people of Prince George's County and will urge people not to vote for you in the coming elections. To not vote for the matter is one thing, but to lie to constituents and sponsor the gay marriage bill, only to turn on people because of hate group pressure is disgusting.  

From the Baltimore Sun: House committee passes same-sex marriage bill

March 4- The House Judiciary Committee has voted 12-10 to pass the same-sex marriage bill, sending it to the full House of Delegates. The 171-member chamber is expected take up debate as early as next week.
Del. Tiffany Alston, who had signed on to the bill as a sponsor, but wavered and walked out on a planned vote earlier this week, voted against it. Committee Chairman Joseph F. Vallario Jr., who does not support same-sex marriage, saved the legislation by voting to send it to the full House.
Before the final vote, Alston, a Prince George's County Democrat, attemped to amend the bill to establish civil unions instead of same-sex marriage. The effort drew praise from Republicans on the committee, but cricitism from her fellow Democrats. It failed.
Del. Jill Carter, the other holdout earlier this week, voted for the bill. The Baltimore Democrat supports same-sex marriage, but said she wanted to draw attention to education funding in Baltimore and her own legislation on child custody in divorce cases.
The bill's ride through the House already has been rockier than its passage in the Senate last week, raising new questions about its prospects in the full chamber. The House is expected to take up the debate as early as next week.
Gov. Martin O'Malley has said he will sign the legislation if it reaches his desk.
Thanks to Julie Bykowicz, reporting from Annapolis.

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