Wednesday, March 30, 2011

An interesting Book Event!

Yesterday  I was asked to talk about ghosts and spirits, and my book (Ghosts and Spirits: Insights from a Medium) at a senior woman's meeting in Annapolis, Md. There was also another author there who spoke about her series of books and she was fascinating. It was a wonderful time! 
Rob Gutro talking to the women's club in Annapolis, Md.
   I set up a table in the back of the room and put out my books, business cards, and a sign. After about 15 minutes people started filing in. One woman was approaching my table and I started to get a headache. She told me that she has sensed her late husband around her on numerous occasions. She said that sometimes she would feel him laying next to her in bed. Other times she knew he was just standing nearby. 
  She said to me "doesn't that sound crazy?" Of course it doesn't!  People who lose loved ones often either see, hear, feel, sense or smell something that reminds them of their late loved one. She asked how I sense ghosts and spirits, and I told her that I get a headache (from electrical/energy overload). She said, "that's amazing, because I get these headaches that come and go, and I attribute them to my late husband." She went on to tell me that she was checked by doctors for a cause of the headaches. I told her that I thought her husband's checking in on her may be some of the reason she gets them. She's obviously sensitive to his spirit returning!
     As she turned around to get her seat, I told her "make sure you save a seat for your husband's spirit, too."

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