Wednesday, December 1, 2010

When Vacation isn't Vacation

I (Rob) thought I would finally USE some of my vacation hours instead of giving them all away (but I've given 'em to people that had operations, so it was practical). So, this week I'm on vacation... well, sort of.
I've been to the dentist, 2 doctors' visits, drove Tom to the doctor, dropped off prescriptions, ran errands, sorted out bills that were billed to us in error, done 2-3 dog walks a day, pulled down the Christmas tree, dug up 4 dead trees in the backyard, Finally met my nephew Kenny and his partner Allen for dinner (after months of trying), cleaned the house, cooked a new chicken dinner I've been trying to cook for 3 weeks, got our Christmas cards (ready to write), and now, I'm prepping to do an all afternoon drive Wed. to get our Foster dog, "Sprite" - only to go to the vet with him Thursday, and maybe Friday and Saturday! What a wild week. Oh, yeah, I've managed to still write hurricane updates for work (there's one in the Southern Indian Ocean this week), answer work emails and more. Whew. I think I need a vacation from my vacation!

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