Thursday, December 30, 2010

Update on Sprite the Foster Dog!

I'm happy to report that our foster Dachshund, Sprite, is healed from his surgery!
Sprite posing for the camera
He's getting his staples out tomorrow morning.
He now goes outside and runs after Dolly (our Weimaraner) barking happily in his deep bark.
He's been trained now to go in his bed while I'm preparing his food (and the other 2 dogs).
He comes upstairs and either curls up on his bed while we're watching TV, or enjoys sitting in our laps.- He apparently never sat in anyone's lap before and likes it (although he loves trying to get a bite of a cookie if we're eating one).
 -He knows where the treat cabinet is and gets excited by giving a couple of short, deep "woofs" in anticipation.
- He comes up and downstairs and follows us around. He loves company and is so, so easy going.
 -  We're trying to convince Tom's parents to adopt him and "keep him in the family." He follows Dolly and Franklin outside all the time, and is usually the first or second to come back in out of the cold (our Weimarner comes in quickly). We always have him in a toddler shirt or sweater outside, as he gets cold.
- He's also been enjoying walks around the neighborhood (with our other "kids") and goes slow and steady.
- It's so great to see him healed, smelling good, teeth in good shape (he doesn't mind the daily brushing, either), and eating well. He's such a happy boy.

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