Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Rosie in 2004, found hairless on the streets
We ONLY give to dog/cat charities. PERIOD. Yes, there are a lot of charities, but dogs and cats give unconditional love, and can't help themselves. People can.
 Here's a story from the Coast-to-Coast Dachshund Rescue (One we got our Foster dog "Sprite" from) about a success story. You'll WANT to help the rescue when you finish reading this. You can donate ON-LINE at: http://www.c2cdr.org/index_fundraising.html
**It's the PERFECT Holiday gift for people who don't want anything!**

Would you recognized this as a dog, much less a dachshund? And a dachshund we don't even know the color of?  
Rosie was found running down a busy street by a very caring person. It was obvious Rosie did not know where she was or where she was going so she was safely picked up by a kind person and wrapped in a blanket. There was no sign of anyone looking for her so her savior took her home. Even though Rosie was frightening to look at it didn't keep her from being rescued nor treated with love and care. She was given two baths to counteract her odor, fed and watered, all of which she accepted with gusto. 
Rosie is the product of neglect and all of the factors that she exhibited pointed to never having been taken care of by her owner. Rosie had nails long enough to curl under her feet an ear infection and was totally bald because of untreated demodectic mange. Demodectic mange is transmitted from an infected mother to pups. The pups harbor the mange mite and upon stress (as simple as a placement in a new home) can trigger the mange mite to take over the parts of the body or the whole body if left untreated. It causes loss of hair, skin infections and discomfort from chronic itching. A low immune system doesn't allow the pup to conquer and fight off this mite but most owners of pups who show signs of demodectic mange seek proper veterinary treatment and eventually the pup returns to normal. Rosie's owners obviously did not begin treatment and allowed the mite to infest her entire body causing total hair loss, deformed skin, skin ulcers and staph infection.

  When she came into rescue they couldn't predict her recovery or her fur COLOR. Rosie has no hair.   What a surprise it was when the mites were killed, her skin began to heal! 
Rosie in 2007, all healed!

   Rosie is just one example of how rescue is so important. Everyone can have a dog but not everyone *should* have a dog. CCDR and other rescue groups are always here to help those in need. It takes money though and Rosie will have many expenses accrue before she is able to be placed in a permanent home. Her foster home gave her the love she deserved, the medical care she needed and CCDR will funded it all. SO, please make a donation so CCDR can keep helping these poor dogs!

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