More stupidity from Sarah Palin. Making up more words.
It all started with this tweet from Sarah Palin: "Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn't it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls refudiate."
But refudiate is not a word. (Okay, John McCain said it in 2008, so maybe he got it from her or vice-versa. Regardless, it's NOT a WORD!)
It is agreed that Palin was mixing the words "refute" and "repudiate" to create the never-before-heard term. Regardless, or maybe I should say "irregardless" (that would be a Palin-ism), don't you think public speakers would NOT use a word if they were unsure of what it meant, or if it was even a word?
How embarrassing.
- What's more embarrassing is that her reality show from Alaska on The Learning Channel (and her having a show on THAT channel is incredibly ironic, is it not?) garnered 5 million viewers for the first "episode."
WELL... maybe I do understand the high ratings. After all, people always want to look more closely at a car wreck!
I can't understand the fascination with this woman. She's dumb and hasn't completed an elected office. I certainly don't want this fool running the country. She probably thinks New Mexico is a foreign country.
Enough said!
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