Wednesday, August 18, 2010

SIGH- Prop 8 Upheld Again... But idiots can marry!

On Monday, August 16, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals announced an indefinite stay of Judge Walker's ruling striking down Proposition 8. SIGH.
What the hell is wrong with people?
Have married gay couples in 5 states increased the straight divorce rate?
Has the world ended? NO.
Equal needs to be equal. This is getting really tedious and stupid. Marriage is not a religious institution. It's a civil right. People who have no religion marry all the time.
What makes me even MORE furious is when we watch TV shows like Judge Judy, where straight couples with NO JOB, NO EDUCATION, and one is either on drugs, is an alcoholic, or has done Jail Time have between 3 and 7 children that they can't support! IT'S OKAY FOR THEM TO MARRY, though, because they're straight. Stupid, but straight. There are lots of grounded gay couples with good jobs, homes, etc. that can raise children in a safe, healthy environment.... but, they can't legally marry (in most states). How stupid is that?
The good news is that the 9th Circuit expedited the case for a hearing on December 6 -- an unusual fast-tracking of the appeals process and a positive sign. *I hope*

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