Friday, August 27, 2010

Koch Foundation-Owns a Lot- Funds Right-Wing Causes

Tom heard a story today on NPR about the Koch Foundation and how it owns a lot of things, including companies that make products, and supports Right-wing politics.
SO... we will NOT be supporting them, their products or anything they put their hands on.
Here's the NPR Story:
NPR STORY ON-LINE: The Brothers Koch: Rich, Political And Playing To Win
Chances are you've never heard of Charles and David Koch. The brothers own Koch Industries, a Kansas-based conglomerate that operates oil refineries in several states and is the company behind brands including Brawny paper towels, Dixie cups, Georgia-Pacific lumber, Lycra fibers and Stainmaster carpet. Forbes ranks Koch Industries as the second-largest privately held company in the U.S. — and the Koch brothers themselves? They're worth billions.
And in the past 30 years, they've funneled more than $100 million into dozens of political organizations, many of which are trying to steer the country in a more libertarian direction. Among the organizations they've backed are the Cato Institute, a Washington think tank that has recently raised questions about climate change, and the Mercatus Center at George Mason University in Virginia — which one Democratic strategist called "ground zero for deregulation policy in Washington."
ROB'S COMMENTS: Anyone that supports the Cato Institute has a right-wing, anti-science agenda. 97% of scientists world-wide KNOW that climate change is a reality. The other 3% are ignorant and have a right-wing political agenda. Period. I WORK with data every day that PROVES Climate change and global warming is a reality and has been since the Industrial revolution. No Question.
We don't need to support these ignorant people (the Koch brothers) to fund more ignorant people. They don't know ANYTHING about climate change, but support an anti-climate change view because of their political agenda. So, why can rich people who are ignorant of science support people with their uninformed scientific views? As a meteorologist, I'm disgusted with them and others like them.

WHAT THE KOCH WEBSITE SAYS: The Koch Foundation began with the vision of Mr. Carl and Mrs. Paula Koch in 1979. It was Mr. Koch's belief that he was "just a steward of the finances given by God to use on His behalf," inspired by the commitment he and his wife, Paula, made to founding the Koch Foundation. Thus, began a commitment by the Koch family to continue the vision of Mr. and Mrs. Koch in supporting evangelization efforts of the Catholic Church.
FAQS: The Foundation only provides grant awards to Catholic, non-profit organizations.

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