Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Spider-Man Arrests Shoplifter in Comic Book Store

I LOVE this story!! Our friend Jack sent it to me. It's from the Australia news on w on May 3, 2010. "Free Comic Book Day" was Saturday, May 1 around the world. During the event, some people dress up as their favorite comic book or science fiction heroes or villains and hang out in comic book shops. The shop I go to had a lot of Star Wars and Star Trek characters. This story is from Australia and happened over the past weekend.

AUSTRALIA- MAY 3: Don’t even think about shoplifting in a comic book store when Spider-Man, The Flash, and some Jedi Knights are present. The super heroes, dressed for International Free Comics Day, detained a man who tried to make off with $160 book at Comic Centre in Adelaide, Australia. Store owner Michael Baulderstone, who was attired as Spider-Man, explains what happened.
“We had about 40 people dressed up as their favourite superheroes to celebrate International Free Comic Day, so he didn’t have much of a choice but to hand the X-Men Omnibus back after a little bit of a scuffle,” he said.
“I’ve had a look at the security footage and it shows Spider-Man running down the corridor of the shop, grabbing this guy, hauling him off.
“Everyone in the store thought it was a play, that it was street theatre of some sort. It wasn’t until I said `Call the police’ that people started to realise.”
Comic Centre and another bookstore encouraged patrons to dress as characters for the event.
“One of the funniest things about the incident was that I called for people to stand near the door and it just so happened we had people dressed as Jedi knights there blocking the exit, the Flash was there at some point too,” Mr Baulderstone said.

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