Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Checklist of What The President Has Accomplished

This week, the White House is trying to get passage of the most sweeping financial regulatory change since the aftermath of the Great Depression, a bill that aims to curtail the Wall Street risk-taking that fed the meltdown in 2008. *Sounds like a good idea* - anyway, for those who Don't know what's been done, I found this USA Today run-down helpful. Looks like a lot has been accomplished!
-- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: The $862 billion "stimulus bill" invested in transportation and energy projects, tax cuts and education grants.
-- Affordable Health Care for America Act: The law $940 billion in the first 10 years will create new health care exchanges, expand insurance coverage to 32 million people who have gone without, close gaps in Medicare prescription-drug coverage and forbid insurance companies from rejecting people for pre-existing conditions.
-- The HIRE Act: A jobs bill that provided $18 billion in tax breaks for small businesses to spur hiring and $20 billion for transit and highways programs.
-- Auto companies bailout: Billions of dollars in government loans to struggling Detroit automakers Chrysler, General Motors and GMAC in an effort to save jobs.
-- Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor: Obama's first Supreme Court nominee was confirmed 68-31 by the Senate and became the first Hispanic justice on the court.
-- Omnibus Public Land Management Act: The most sweeping land-protection act in 15 years designated more than 2 million acres of public land huge tracts of desert and forest across nine states to be official "wilderness."
-- New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) with Russia: The Obama administration and Russia negotiated a deal for each country to cut its stock of strategic nuclear warheads by 30%. Ratification is pending in the Senate.
-- Education overhaul: A revamped student loan program and a new $4.3 billion "Race to the Top" competition challenged schools to prove they have taken steps to improve standards and performance.
Source: USA TODAY research

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