Thursday, April 1, 2010

Maryland's Prejudiced Del. Dwyer Should be Removed from Office

Maryland has a hateful, prejudiced delegate from Anne Arundel County named Donald Dwyer, who tied up the legislature yesterday in a hateful attempt to impeach the Attorney General. The Attorney General went back hundreds of years through Maryland law and provided an opinion that gay marriages that were performed in OTHER STATES should be RECOGNIZED as marriages in Maryland. What's the big deal? We do that for Driver's licenses, do we not? **WELL, Del. Dwyer, who is on a personal mission to deny gay people rights made a stand yesterday, wasting time when people are Jobless, Homeless, and in dire straits. Below is the letter I sent him. I hope HE is REMOVED from office immediately. He's a disgrace. His personal homophobia is obviously much more important to him than the people that voted him in. HE should be impeached.

Dear Delegate Dwyer -
Yesterday you wasted a lot of taxpayer money with your personal hatred of gay citizens. I read with great disgust how you tied up the entire legislature over your own unexplained hatred of gay citizens yesterday, when this state faces so MANY important issues.
Do your constituents really want to you waste time on your own intolerance of certain people when so many are in financial ruin, jobless or homeless? Of course not! You were elected to assist your people in their greatest needs. Your homophobia is a personal issue and has no place for tying up the Maryland Legislature.
Obviously you place your own deep-seated prejudices ahead of the needs of your constituents.
YOU are the one who needs to be removed from office. The Attorney General simply issued a legal opinion of what the Maryland law allows.
As a citizen of Maryland hope that during the next election, voters will do everything in their power to remove you from office. Maryland is a great state that welcomes all people and should not be represented by your hatefulness and prejudice.

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