Sunday, March 21, 2010

Moving Jeff to his New Apartment

Yesterday our friend Jim and I helped Jeff move some stuff into his new apartment in Alexandria. Between Jim and Jeff moving was actually a really fun experience as we laughed a lot. Jim's partner Terry was taking care of their dog, while (my) Tom was taking care of our dogs and gardening, so it was just the three of us. The weather was perfect, which really helped.
We took a couple of trips, and as you can see, my truck was loaded up, as was Jeff's car. I had to get a picture of Jeff with Loretta Lynn's photo packed in the back of the truck!
We stopped for a short lunch and more coffee for me at Dunkin' Donuts, of course. I'm glad Jeff moved near a Dunkin' Donuts. That's important!! :)
The apartment is really, really nice, and so is the neighborhood. It's also really convenient to Jeff's office.
We started around 9:30am and I finished by 4:00pm, while Jeff and Terry headed out to shop for stuff for the apartment. We were happy and relieved that Jeff's move went so smoothly and now he's getting settled in. How often can you say a move was actually fun?

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