Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Md. Bill to Prevent Pet Stores from Selling Puppy Mill Dogs

There's a bill in the Md. legislature to prevent pet stores from selling puppy mill dogs which we support. If you live in Maryland, urge your legislators to support S.B.505. Below is my letter to our Senator. To find your Senator anywhere in the U.S. for similar bills, or anything you're passionate about go here: http://action.humanesociety.org/site/PageServer?pagename=electedOfficials

Senator Douglas Peters
James Senate Office Building, Room 121
11 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
As your constituents, we urge you to support S.B. 505 -- with Senator Gladden's amendments -- to put in place protections for consumers who purchase a sick puppy from a pet store, and to prohibit pet stores from selling puppies from the most egregious puppy mills. This legislation will help protect Maryland consumers.
Oftentimes puppies sold at pet stores appear healthy, but later show signs of severe illness -- costing the new owner thousands of dollars in veterinary bills.
(Before I met Tom) I adopted one of those puppies that developed pneumonia a week later and had to be hospitalized. The puppy suffered for weeks while healing, and I'm sure that other people would not have been able to afford the care that I made sure that pup had to heal.
Many puppies sold at Maryland pet stores come from breeders with one or more Animal Welfare Act violations. Those animals do not deserve to live in those filthy, horrendous conditions that puppy mills are known for.
Maryland and all states need legislation banning puppy mills, and we also need some kind of controls or licenses for people who want to breed dogs. Our neighbor (whose dog is found running loose in the street at times) bought another dog to breed and sell puppies. They can't control the one dog, and they're going to bring puppies into the world! Further thousands of animals are already being put to death in overloaded shelters now. People need to be educated and licensed because they don't know the right thing to do!
Please support S.B. 505 when it comes before you for your consideration.

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