Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Mother's Spirit Comes to Me on Vacation

The third spirit encountered while on a cruise ship last week was a very emotional one. Tom and I watched a "mind games" show on the cruise, and afterward our new friends that we call "A2" because their names both begin with A, introduced us to the mentalist and his partner. The mentalist, Bob Lawson, was amazing. When he joined us at our table, he offered to do a handwriting analysis for us, and it was pretty spot on.
When his partner came over, I sensed a lot of emotion. We all started talking about ghosts and spirits, and then the conversation topic changed. While I was sitting next to his partner, I got a couple of names, that sounded like "Adelaide" but I couldn't be sure. It was the spirit of a woman trying to communicate with me, that I knew. She showed me a cat, a color like "green," (I'm color blind, so what I see as green may be blue) a white "house" or building, and poured me full of so much love and emotion for Bob's partner that I was physically shaking. I couldn't stop either.
Bob's partner told me that he had a very strong bond with his mother who passed, but her name was Margaret. (Hmmm... so perhaps Margaret was trying to tell me about someone else in the family who had previously passed, and that she was with? I don't know). Regardless, Bob and his partner told us that when she passed, she refused to be waked in a church. Instead she wanted to be waked in a white house- a funeral home, and she was. Apparently, she was very happy that they honored her wishes.
The cat belonged to the woman's daughter (Bob's partner's sister). It was a cat she got before her mother passed. I assume that the mother loved the cat, too.

The final point was about the "color" that she showed me. Turned out to be more "aqua" or blue-green, and it was about a pen at the funeral home that mysteriously appeared. Bob said that when he and his partner went to the funeral home for his mother's services, there was no pen to sign the guest book. When they went looking for one and came back minutes later there was a pen in the holder. The pen wrote in aqua colored ink, unlike the black ink used on all the other entries in the book. They said that no one else came behind them, so they didn't know where the pen came from. They thought it very strange that the pen appeared from nowhere.
The spirit of Bob's partner's mom was there to convey that she's around him, watching over him all the time, and was so full of love that it made me shake.

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