Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas in Annapolis / Doggone Good Posing

DOGGONE GOOD POSING - This weekend, we're going to have family photos taken (us and our dogs), so we thought it good to get them into practice. They were so obedient, patient and wonderful, that they got lots of treats. Here are a couple of the the photos. One when Franklin was stretching out to get ready for his close up, and the other a perfect pose. We think they're ready for their Sunday photo shoot!

FRIDAY NIGHT IN ANNAPOLIS - There was a choir singing and an orchestra playing in downtown Annapolis last night, so we thought it would be fun to ask a number of friends to join us. We imagined it would be outside, so the thought of being cold outside kept everyone away (except for us). The event, however, was INSIDE the tiny Annapolis state house, and SO crowded, everyone was standing like sardines. During a break, and when the orchestra got up, Tom and I nudged our way to the State Christmas Tree, and I got this picture. Yes, that's Tom on the right, and a woman in 18th century garb who was working the event. We didn't get to enjoy the music, though, because it was "ass to elbow" and waaaaay too hot wearing winter jackets inside. What we did hear, sounded nice, though.

We tried going to the William Paca House for a candlelight tour, but it was closed. We went into the only open shop -a used bookstore, browsed and had a nice chat with the owner. We then walked to the Annapolis docks and I took this picture - some of the masts of the sailboats were all lit up (they look like blue triangles here). It was nice, but almost all of the shops were closed at 8pm!

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