Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Doctor using his website for bad politics

An old and dear friend of mine in Massachusetts has been reading the blog/web page of Mercola.com and sending me articles about interesting things like H1N1 flu. However, the text of the website is SO anti-Democratic/Pro-Republican party that I can't stand it. Dr. Mercola is obviously far on the right, and makes everything political and negative.
One article stated that the H1N1 flu shot is full of toxins and ineffective for pregnant women. I have issues with that, because the National Institute of Health and Center for Disease Control work with the World Health Organization (WHO) on epidemics. Although I don't see it as a "pandemic" like the press keeps saying, the WHO is the authority (and NOT political Mr. Mercola) and it's not just about the U.S.A. There's a world of countries where it's sickening people. Regardless, the Administration is reiterating what the experts are telling them (even though we all may think it's excessive, and we do).
Today on Mercola's webpage there was this Ridiculous Lie of a headline: "Senate Bill Would Give President Obama Authority to Pull the Plug on Your Internet." HELLO Dr. Mercola- If you're a doctor, you need to learn how to Read EVERYTHING...
HERE'S THE TRUTH: The Bill was drafted by Senators Jay Rockefeller (D-W.V.) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) and would create an Office of the National Cybersecurity Advisor, part of the Executive Office of the President. FURTHER, HERE'S WHAT IT READS: A bill to ensure the continued free flow of commerce within the United States and with its global trading partners through secure cyber communications, to provide for the continued development and exploitation of the Internet and intranet communications for such purposes, to provide for the development of a cadre of information technology specialists to improve and maintain effective cybersecurity defenses against disruption, and for other purposes. FULL TEXT: http://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-s773/show
Why write about all this? Well, because its easy to read something from someone of "AUTHORITY" like a Doctor and be taken in by his warped view of things. Just like listening to right-wing preachers (who are looked at as authorities on God) who say it's okay to hate and kill people that they consider sinners. WARPED.
WHAT I'VE LEARNED: When people consider them authorities on one thing, they may use it to push their own selfish agenda, no matter how warped it is. Just be careful and don't be taken in by someone using their position to push things they know nothing about. We may all be guilty of it ourselves, but remember to take time to get the facts first. :)

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