Thursday, November 12, 2009

Catholic Church Blackmailing DC City Council to Ban Gay Marriage

How LOW can churches go? This is really, really disgusting. I read in today's Washington Post that the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington has issued an ultimatum against the city council, to blackmail them with social services if the city recognizes gay marriage.
In Today's Washington Post: Catholic Church gives D.C. ultimatum: Same-sex marriage bill, as written, called a threat to social service contracts The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington said Wednesday that it will be unable to continue the social service programs it runs for the District if the city doesn't change a proposed same-sex marriage law, a threat that could affect tens of thousands of people the church helps with adoption, homelessness and health care.

If this is true, that the church that I grew up in, and the church I respected is BLACKMAILING a political body with threats to charity work, that is the lowest, most hateful, ugly thing I have EVER heard a church do in my 47 years. I'm disgusted with the Catholic Church's behavior and ashamed of the church I once loved so much, is now preaching hatred and intolerance and using blackmail to get your hateful views made into laws.
Even our founding fathers wanted religion out of politics. President George Washington stated in a letter to Sir Edward Newenham, June 22, 1792: "Religious controversies are always productive of more acrimony and irreconcilable hatreds than those which spring from any other cause."
If it is true that the Catholic Church is trying to blackmail the city council by pulling charities out of Washington, D.C. they should be dropped from tax exempt status, and close their doors as a church. This is the most appalling thing I have ever heard by any church.

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