Thursday, October 1, 2009

Another Company Gets It Right - PELLA Windows and Doors

The other day, the handle to our sliding glass door (connecting the kitchen to the backyard) broke off our Pella door. I was horrified, because 1) I've never seen a sliding glass door handle break and 2) It happened to me and not Tom - so he naturally thought I was slamming the door or yanking it like a madman... neither of which were true.
Anyway, Tom called the local PELLA Door and Window store in Beltsville, MD, and a gentleman named Dan in the Parts Department helped him identify the needed replacement part. Dan checked stock and said he had it in, and we could get it the next day.
I went to the Pella store, found Dan in the Parts dept. and he knew who I was- which is a great sign of customer service. He took the broken part I brought in, and immediately got the replacement piece. He said that the sliding glass door was made in 2003 (he could tell by the part) and it was under a 10 year warranty, so there was no charge at all. THAT is customer service!
Bravo, Pella Doors and Windows! You've got our business.

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