Thursday, August 6, 2009

APA Report / Construction on Hold

Today is a rainy day in Baltimore/Washington, so the construction on our Window dormer is on hold until next week... when the sun and Scorching temperatures in the mid 90s return...
Meanwhile - there was an interesting report form the APA today about foolish churches and right-wing groups trying to "change gay people into straight people." I can tell you that I Personally know people who went through that stupid, stupid, useless "therapy" and it drove them to the brink of suicide, just as the report indicates. People are born gay or straight. They don't choose it, and can't change it. How foolish. Would a straight person choose to be gay (and deal with all of the hatred, intolerance, prejudice and unequal rights? Of course not). One friend's parents even had a church "exorcism" performed on him to make him "straight" and put him under therapy. Of course it didn't work. How would it make you feel if your parents put you through all that stupidity? I'm happy to report he's still with us and doing well now. He's also an incredibly loving and forgiving guy, and forgave his parents for the religious hell they put him through. I'm just glad to see the APA finally did a comprehensive report.
People are who they are. After all, Did you ever try to get an old Italian mother to not hold a Grudge? Yeah, good luck with that, too. - Rob
Programs to change gays to straights don't work, report says
• American Psychological Association: Trying to change orientation can be harmful
• Group urges mental health professionals not to advocate changing orientation
• Homosexuality de-listed as mental disorder in '75, but some programs still treat it
"Contrary to claims of sexual orientation change advocates and practitioners, there is insufficient evidence to support the use of psychological interventions to change sexual orientation," said Judith M. Glassgold, chairwoman of the task force that presented the report at the group's annual meeting in Toronto, Canada. The Washington-based association represents more than 150,000 members.

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