Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Interesting News Stories / Iron Man 2 Villain

There were a couple of things in the news this week that I thought interesting:
1) The President's stimulus package is being used for smart transportation in NYC/NJ WORK BEGINS ON NATION'S LARGEST MASS TRANSIT PROJECT: A RAILWAY TUNNEL - NEW YORK (CNN) Officials broke ground on a second passenger rail tunnel beneath the Hudson River, NY.The new tunnel will link New Jersey with New York and eventually will double capacity on the nation's busiest rail corridor.
2) I was extremely disappointed with the Supreme Court over their ruling to keep "Don't Ask/ Don't Tell" in the Military. Gay people serve openly in the British and Australian Armed forces without a problem.
INSIDE SCOOP ON THE UPCOMING IRON MAN 2 MOVIE - The Movie "Iron Man 2" is currently being filmed. They picked Micky Rourke for the villain. I've always thought he was one of the most unattractive actors. He's always dirty and grungy looking and this role hasn't improved that image. Here's What CNN said: IRON MAN faces an adversary with some amazing gadgets of his own.Whiplash (Mickey Rourke) is a Russian who "has constructed his own version of an armored suit like Iron Man.

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