On Saturday, May 2, 2009, Tom and I attended a seminar in northern Virginia called "A Closer Look: After Death Communications." It was organized and hosted by a local Spiritual Theorist, Lecturer and Para-Physic Event Coordinator named Janice M. Ervin. We met Janice as a result of seeing an article on her in the local newspaper. Once I read it, I contacted her, and we met her and her co-event planner Deb at the local Panera Bread on evening to talk about mediumship and past life experiences. She told us about this seminar. Janice's website is: http://janiceervin.com/.
The seminar featured Dr. R. Craig Hogan, Author, Researcher & Lecturer, Jennifer Farmer, Spiritual Teacher, Intiutive, & Medium, (Of Bob Olson's 10 Best List) and Barb Mallon, Spirit Medium (of Discovery Channel and Channel 9 News). Each of them were fascinating to listen to, and Dr. Hogan explained how the consciousness was "outside the physical brain" among other fascinating things including scientific studies that prove metaphysical activities. Farmer and Mallon did psychic readings around the room that were quite unnerving.
When we arrived, the hotel conference room was already almost filled, so we sat in the last row on the left. I immediately got a headache in the back left corner of my head, which told me there were a number of spirits in the room. I knew they were spirits, though (the ones that had passed in the light and came back to give messages) and not earth-bound ghosts. I slipped Tom a note saying "there are a lot of spirits here wanting to talk."
Right after that, I heard a spirit in my head telling me things, so I wrote them on the pad of paper in front of me. He said his name was "Charlie" and there was a "W" associated with him or the person he was trying to contact. He showed me that he was about 65 when he died. He let me feel pain in the left side of my chest, which indicates to me it was a heart attack that took his life. He showed me snippets of his appearance: short, stocky, short white hair, sticking up, and a large nose. He showed me blue plaid shirt. Then he showed me workboots, and a truck, as if he were a truck driver. He also showed me a white dog. I couldn't tell who in the room he was trying to communicate with, so afterward I told Janice Ervin (The conference organizer) and she said she would let me talk about it at the end of the program. This was the first of two messages.
At the end of the seminar, Janice Ervin let me stand up and say all of these things out loud. Oddly enough, a 30ish year old woman across the aisle said, "That's my grandfather." She explained he looked just like what I described, and said that the ONLY photo she has of him is of him in a plaid checked shirt. She also said that he died when she was six. I told her that he just wanted to let her know that he's with her and watching over her. She was amazed (as I was)!
Toward the end of the seminar, medium Jennifer Farmer taught everyone how to meditate and focus. She dimmed the lights and played one of her CDs with slow breathing instructions. My mind emptied, only to be filled with thoughts from an elderly woman named "Anna." When I stopped meditating I wrote down everything Anna told me immediately.
She was in her eighties when she died. I wrote "around 87." She showed me the years 1910-1940, indicating that she may have been born during those times. I saw a large open farmland area, with a shack of a house – "like Minnesota" I heard. She told me she was related to someone with a "G." She also said that she was someone's grandmother or mother in the room. She said she's around this person, always watching over them. Further, she told me that the person she "belonged to" lives in a brick apartment or condominium, and she showed me a fountain, indicating there's water around it. (We were in northern Virginia, west of Washington, D.C. so there's no water).
While reading what I had written to the people in the room, a woman sitting four tables up from me immediately said "Anna, That's my mother." The woman, who didn't give her name, said that her mother passed in a community that looked out over an open field and farmland in northwestern Maryland (Montgomery County). She said that she was in fact 83 when she passed away, which was recently. Further, the woman told me that she does live in a brick condominium, and there's a lake next to the building, confirming the water aspect. Sometimes spirits will show you something to make you think of something related. The woman was shocked. She said that she had already "tuned out" for the day, not expecting anyone to come through for her.
I was surprised as well, that the two descriptions of spirits that came to me were so detailed, that two people immediately recognized who they were. I guess my abilities are really developing, and I was thankful that I was able to bring comfort to both of these women, by letting them know their loved ones are okay, and are watching over each of them.
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