At 1:10pm EDT today, Judges in California's Supreme Court upheld the ban on gay marriages in California. Why? They said they were afraid to turn over the slim majority that voted in Proposition 8 last November that would remove a civil right from gay people to marry. BASTARDS. Okay, so now it has to go back up on the ballot. General consensus indicates that the feeling has now moved the other way in the voters' opinions. This is a legal right that everyone deserves, NOT a religious thing. When are they going to get it?
So, who am I really furious with? The Damned Mormon Church and the Catholic Church (that I used to belong to) and other churches who USED CHURCH FUNDS to advertise and get gay marriage banned in California.
Where in the hell is the IRS to remove their tax-free status?
Who the hell are they to decide equal rights under the U.S. Constitution?
If churches decided equal rights, people of color would still be enslaved and not able to marry anyone they want to marry. Churches need to get out and STAY out of politics. Religion has been this country's downfall in the last 8 years, as sad as that is to say.
Yes, the church taught me how to have faith, but when they strayed into politics and demanded people vote for their stupid conservative ways- they needed (and still need) to be closed down. I still have faith in God, but I don't need churches and man-made religions to brainwash me into useless, hateful conservative thinking. Conservatives ruled this country for 8 years and ruined it. Further, conservatives and so-called "religious" fanatics usually wind up being the biggest sinners and hypocrites. Conservatives need to go away and realize everyone deserves the same rights. Period.
The CNN story:
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