Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cooper Adopted/New Patio Roof/Washing Machine/Lawn

It has been a busy Saturday. It's the first Saturday that's been nice since the spring arrived. About 62F with gusty winds to 50 mph, but still nice.
COOPER ADOPTED - Today, our foster wirehaired dachshund, Cooper was adopted by a great couple, Bob and Arlene, from about 20 miles away. They have another wirehaired dachshund around the same age, also with a heart murmur. They were really excited to have him. We gave them 2 beds and a blanket that we had for Cooper (one on each floor of our house), extra treats and dog food, a collar and leashes, so he was on his way. It was sad to see the little guy go. He's been with us for over a month now, and we really had grown fond of him, but we'll check up on him! We'll miss the little "Cooperino."

FIXING THE PATIO ROOF- Our friend Pat (pictured on the ladder) works in the roofing industry, so he spent most of his day with Tom ripping up the roof we put on the patio (we built last summer), because it leaked! Then they installed a state-of-the art new covering. It took about 4 hours. During that time, I went grocery shopping and picked up lunch.

NEW WASHING MACHINE - We had get a new Washing machine because our old one wouldn't go in the spin cycle. So, we decided to spend our hard-earned savings on a front loading washer at Sears. It's incredibly quiet, and the first thing we washed was the dogs' comforter that sits in the pick-up truck's extended cab. It came out wonderfully.
LAWN CARE - Of course, we couldn't have a nice day without working on the lawn (Tom wouldn't let me off the hook!) - so he did all the edging and I mowed the lawn. It was our first mowing of the year, and looks nice and neat.

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