Thursday, March 19, 2009

Newspapers Closing - This is VERY bad

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer and Rocky Mountain News have closed down. That leaves one newspaper in Seattle, and one in Denver (to cover all of the Rocky Mtn area). This is extremely disturbing, as other cities threaten to close their newspapers down. Here's a commentary I wrote on USA Today about the topic (and to one of the uneducated right-wing commenters who said "Good Riddens to liberal rags")
Local newspapers are mandatory to stay in touch with our communities. Radio and Television stations and websites get their news from newspapers and wire services. Unfortunately, wire services don't cover local news. So, when newspapers fade, people will realize the great service they provide. Newspapers need to charge for on-line viewing, too.
As for people who complain about "liberal bias" in newspapers, all publications will have a slant one way or the other. Just read past it and find the news that affects you.
I also find it amusing that people who complain about newspapers as "liberal rags" and say "good riddens" (I suppose it was "riddence?") would benefit with learning better spelling if they actually READ a newspaper. Reading promotes education. Perhaps that's why the reading and spelling levels in our country have declined so much. Pick up a newspaper and read it. If you don't know how to spell a word, or don't know what it means - look it up. Regardless, read your newspaper.

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