I found 2 articles in both USA Today and the Boston Globe interesting, that churches are losing people. I'm one of these people that left. After the way the Catholic Church (that I was devoted to for 44 years), and other religions from evangelical to Baptist to Mormon started pushing right-wing politics, and funding anti-gay marriage campaigns with HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars, its no surprise people are leaving. That's why I left. Taking my money to fund hatred and exclusion is so hypocritical and hateful.
I CERTAINLY do believe in God. I see him everywhere. However, the man-made religions that teach us to worship him are corrupt. (Why? They're man-made!). If God is love, then we should simply love and help and be thankful and welcoming to all. No exceptions. Unfortunately, religions don't teach that and I think that's why they're losing members. Serves them right.
The percentage of people who call themselves in some way Christian has dropped more than 11% in a generation, detailed in the new American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS) to be released today. The faithful have scattered out of their traditional bases: The Bible Belt is less Baptist. The Rust Belt is less Catholic. And everywhere, more people are exploring spiritual frontiers — or falling off the faith map completely. FULL STORY IN USA TODAY: http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2009-03-09-american-religion-ARIS_N.htm?csp=DailyBriefing
The Boston Globe states "The American Religious Identification Survey, a national study being released today by Trinity College in Hartford, finds that the Catholic population of New England fell by more than 1 million in the past two decades, even while the overall population of the region was growing."http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2009/03/09/number_of_ne_catholics_tumbles/?p1=Well_MostPop_Emailed2
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