Well, conservatives in Tennessee (where I lived once) are now trying to limit adoptions to people who are only "Legally Married" and block gay couples from adopting. Stupid, stupid. Is it better that single mothers in poverty raise kids, or a financially well-off couple raise a child? Below is my email to 2 Tennessee legislators, followed by their email addresses if you want to email them.
Even with Obama in office, the religion-based hatred continues. These conservatives don't care about children, they care about their narrow-minded religions. Stupid.
Dear Senator Stanley and Rep. Deberry -
As a former resident of Nashville I keep up with state political news, and find your support of the bill to limit adoptions to "legally married couples" ridiculous!
RE: http://www.tennessean.com/article/20090302/NEWS0201/903020340/-1/NLETTER01?source=nletter-news
If you're trying to prevent gay couples from bringing up a child (it doesn't make them gay, unless you're so foolish to believe that), you're doing a great disservice to abandoned children. Gay couples in many states adopt and save these children from lives of solitude, rejection and feelings of abandonment. We're ALL people, and we need to take care of each other!
Any support for a bill like this is a bold statement proving yourselves as "un-Christian" as can be. Further, if you have two people in a financially secure relationship bringing up a child, isn't that a better environment for success of the child instead of one where a poverty-level single mother tries raising a child. When will our legislators think of the children instead of their own politically corrupted religious views? Think of what would benefit the children. That would be allowing gay couples to adopt.
If you don't support their ability to adopt, you are simply blinded by "religion" and truly do not have the interests of our children at heart. How sad that would be.
1) Senator Paul Stanley / R-Memphis District 31 — Part of Shelby County
7511 Neshoba Road Memphis, TN 38138 EMAIL: sen.paul.stanley@capitol.tn.gov
2) Rep. John J. Deberry Jr. / D-Memphis District 90 — Part of Shelby County —
1207 Sledge Street Memphis, TN 38104 EMAIL: rep.john.deberry@capitol.tn.gov
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