Saturday, March 28, 2009

Childish Behavior in Adults: Grudges,Teasing, Anger, Rudeness

Why do some adults behave like spoiled children with Grudges,Teasing, Anger and Rudeness? Recently we've been subjected to people holding grudges, and we think there's nothing more mentally unhealthy than holding a grudge against someone. It's one thing to be mad at someone for doing something bad to you, but you've got to forgive and move on, especially when you have to keep dealing with the person. Tom and I don't hold grudges. They're emotionally and mentally wearing. Further, when one person is so incredibly stubborn that they still hold a grudge against someone who died 25 years ago, we think that's absolutely ridiculous. Not only that, but to keep bringing it up is really useless and only serves to cause discomfort in the people having to hear it again. So, if you hold a grudge against someone, we have a couple of words for you: Get Over It. Forgive. Life is VERY short. We're all here together. If you don't have to deal with the person that wronged you, and you can't be adult enough to forgive them (depending on the severity of the wrong, I guess), then don't talk to them anymore. Otherwise, if they're in the family, grow up, swallow your pride, and be adult enough to be the peacemaker. Better than acting like a spoiled child.

Teasing, Anger and Rudeness
- My older brother lives to get people upset. (I have 2 brothers, the younger one, Doug is one of my best friends and has no behavior issues!) My older brother, however, somehow gets a rise out of pissing people off on the phone. I know that's part of his bipolar/anger disorder. Every time he calls me, he can't get off the phone and say "goodbye" or "have a good rest of the day." Instead, he finds a way to get pissed off, get foul-mouthed and hang up on me. Anyone that knows me, knows I don't behave like that. Yesterday he called to say our mother arrived safely in Boston, and at the end of the conversation, decided to talk politics - which is dangerous as he's a staunch right-wing Republican (I attribute that to bipolar disorder), while everyone else in my family are Massachusetts Democrats. At the end of the conversation, he started bad-mouthing Obama and said he's responsible for the record deficit. I responded by saying that Pres. Bush took the country from a record surplus to a deficit. My brother then said some nasty words and hung up on me. He got what he wanted- he made me respond and got a chance to hang up on me. I'm thankful we're 400 miles away, but pity the people that have to deal with his un-medicated behavior. I really wish he'd seek medical help so he could regulate his behavior and live a more stable emotional life. It's a shame that at 50 years old he still behaves like a child. If you know someone with bi-polar disorder and anger issues, urge them to seek help.

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