Saturday, March 14, 2009

Animal Shelter Voted Down/ Corrupt Cty Exec. Johnson

There were two items in the local news that really ticked me off this weekend. What do YOU think?
BOWIE, MD CITY COUNCIL VOTES DOWN A DOG SHELTER: Right now the county we live in has a shelter that kills strays after 5 days. The proposed Bowie, MD shelter would give dogs and cats another 2 weeks for adoption. Instead, the STUPID City Council (with a $500K surplus) says "no." I think City Councilors MUST ADOPT up to 5 strays from the county shelter and deal with it. How barbaric. They need to be voted OUT.
CORRUPT COUNTY EXECUTIVE JACK JOHNSON NEEDS TO GO - This man took a 1 month trip to Africa to "try and get trade between Africa and Prince George's County, Md." - At the TAXPAYER'S EXPENSE. Funny, how some of his extended relatives live there. Can you say CORRUPTION?? - So, the County is cutting jobs of Firemen and Policemen, but this ass gets to spend THOUSANDS of dollars on a personal trip to Africa and try to pawn it off as "good for the county." The trip was in 2008, and what's come out of it? NOTHING. VOTE HIM OUT. Put him in jail.

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