Wednesday, January 14, 2009

With Spirits, There is NO Such Thing as "Coincidence"

One of the things that I've learned about dealing with spirits and earth-bound ghosts is that there is no such thing as coincidence. You may think something happened that coincides with what you're doing or thinking (like a song coming over the radio right after you think about it), but it was suggested. In that case, a spirit can suggest a song to you and then it will come on the radio. Take that as a signal.
One such event happened last night, Jan. 13th, but to explain it I need to go back to the night of January 12th. On the 12th, when we were getting ready to turn in, I asked Tom if he'd like to get confirmation from his late partner Ed, that Ed is still watching out for him. Of course, Tom said "yes." So, I asked Ed aloud (spirits need to hear you communicate, they don't read minds) if he could let us know he's around.
I made the same request of my Dad on Dec. 23rd, and Dec. 24th he came to me and proved it (see old blog about Christmas Eve).
Well, last night, Jan. 13th, without even realizing it, Ed had made himself known. I was writing notes on our "newsletter" that we send out quarterly to friends around the U.S. and came across Ed's father's name. When I went to ask Tom if he wanted to write a note, I unconsciously said aloud, "Do you want to write a note to Ed George?"
Tom looked at me. I stopped and realized that despite Ed's father's name written in front of me, I said "Ed's" name aloud. Now, granted that sounds simple, but Tom said immediately afterward, that's funny that you said Ed's name because I was just downstairs and opened a drawer and there were old photos of Ed that I had forgotten were in there.
So, although it seems like a coincidence, it's not. If you know spirits, its subtle things like that they use to communicate their presence.

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