I've met some nice people over the last couple of weeks through different situations. Maybe it's the holidays, maybe not. In the last week, Tom and I posted some free lumber and a free 6.5 foot pre-lit Christmas tree on Craigslist.com. (We bought a new tree together this week). Weeks before we also posted a free washer and dryer, that one of Tom's mom's neighbors wanted to give away.
Through these ads, I recieved a lot of email requests for all of them. I received several emails from people who couldn't afford a Christmas tree of any kind, or washer and dryer. It was heartbreaking to hear them. Regardless, the people that responded first and got the items were thankful, the others were understanding and appreciative for a simple email telling them the item went to the first respondent.
I also belong to bookmooch.com, a free book-swap service I enjoy. You post the books you want to mail to whoever wants them, and then use the web site to contact people who have a book you want. All you pay for is postage to mail your books out. The website maintains an inventory for you on-line. I've met a number of really nice folks there- just emailing about books they want to "mooch" or that I want to "mooch" from them. A woman in England noticed I had a dog book on my wishlist (as did about 20 others) and she emailed me to ask if I still wanted it. I was just contacted by a college senior studying marketing, now into superheroes (he swapped a couple of books with me).
The bottom line is that even if you have a bad commute, or someone takes your seat on the metro, or cuts you off on the road, there are a lot of good people out there, too. Just look for them.
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