Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Prefer not to get (or send) Political E-mails

A lot of us are guilty of sending politically-charged emails to friends and colleagues, including me (years ago). Recently, I've decided that's a very, very bad thing to do. There's more than enough information available to people to make an informed decision, based on their lifestyle. After all, it's all about whichever candidate you identify with most or whichever beliefs they promote.
Everyone that knows me, knows I'm a democrat, because I believe in equal rights for all people. Period.
I've been disappointed that various entertainers have come out supporting the candidate I'm not behind. That's what got me thinking - I DON'T want to know your political party. I just want to like you for who you are. Politics, like some religions are divisive. The bottom line - we need to love and support everyone. No exceptions.
Below are two articles from today's headlines I thought interesting. Speaking as an educated guy (not speaking as a Dem or Rep), story #1 about Sen. Stevens conviction and still being on the ballot is crazy. Story #2 about John McCain saying "liberals" are an economic threat when conservatives in power created the largest deficit in the history of this country, just doesn't make sense to me. Anyway, I will NOT send political emails. I'll keep thoughts here (and they will be few).

1) WASHINGTON POST: Stevens Found Guilty on 7 Counts
Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska, one of Congress's most powerful Republicans, was convicted yesterday of lying on financial disclosure forms to conceal his receipt of gifts and expensive renovations to his house, just eight days before he faces voters in a tight reelection contest...http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/27/AR2008102700289.html?wpisrc=newsletter
2) BOSTON GLOBE: McCain calls liberals a threat to economy
CLEVELAND - Republican John McCain, casting next week's presidential election along partisan and ideological lines, yesterday portrayed Democrat Barack Obama as an old-fashioned liberal who would govern as a dangerous extension of his party's congressional leadership.

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