Monday, August 18, 2008

PART #2 -My Dad - His First Sign to Me at the Wake

Tom, I, and our dogs arrived at my mother's house on Monday, August 4 after a 10 hour drive. We spent the next two days helping make arrangements with my brothers and the funeral home and church.

On Tuesday, my mom asked why she couldn't dream of my dad. I explained to her that he hasn't passed into the light yet, and would do so after the funeral. Once he's in the light, he'll be able to come to her in her dreams.

Wednesday, August 6 was the day of the wake. The funeral director was incredible. She thought of everything, and even sent a full course dinner for 10 over to my mother's house the night before. My family, consisting of my mother, my two brothers and their wives, and my partner and I, arrived at the funeral home at 3 p.m. It was unnerving walking in that front left room of the Lydon Funeral Home. The open casket was at the far end of the room, and I could see my dad. As anyone can attest, it's a shock to see your loved one in that state. I kept trying to focus on the fact that he's okay, and his spirit is most likely around. I've read that everyone sticks around for their wake and funeral, and my dad let me know this was to be no different from what I've heard.

Just before the visiting hours for Dad's wake began, I had the entire family sign the last book he was in the middle of reading, Brad Thor's "The First Commandment," and we put in inside the casket with him. Also, because he loved the Red Sox (Baseball), my younger brother and his wife had their young sons sign "I love you Papa" on a baseball, which they also put in the casket.

The wake began at 4 p.m. and people began filing in. My dad was well known in the insurance business for over 50 years, and taught insurance to classes for decades. He was also in the army and a member of the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic organization.

My younger brother is in local politics, so police and sheriff and local politicians came, in addition to friends, co-workers, and extended family.

As usually happens when I'm in the presence of a spirit of Earth-bound ghost, I developed a headache in the lower back left part of my head. I sensed my dad. He was standing at the foot of his casket looking at himself as people started filing in and past it. He watched them greet the receiving line of family members with my mom at the front. I sensed after awhile that Dad went over and stood next to my mother while she was greeting people, then, he sat in a chair across from where Tom and I were standing while the Knights of Columbus and then the Morrissette Post legionnaires did prayer tributes to him. He seemed pleased and honored by those. He let me know that he was there, and that he was okay. He was concerned about my mother's well-being, as he had been so devoted to her in life.

The wake ended at 8 p.m. and everyone dispersed. I'm not sure where my dad went at that time. (PART #3- Coming Next -Dad's Spirit Surprises My Mom and I at the Funeral)

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