Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wascally Wabbits equal silence

We have a HUGE wild rabbit population here in Bowie, Maryland. Our dogs, Dolly the weimaraner and Franklin the dachshund love to chase them. Dolly gets scared of 'em when she gets close. Franklin will kill them if he can catch them (he caught one last year). Anyway, we made the mistake of leaving the garage door up, and the kitchen/garage door open. They somehow saw a rabbit on the front lawn and bolted out on Saturday. I ran out immediately yelling at them to stop! - in our neighborhood, around the corner, some cars really Zip through the streets and certainly couldn't stop in time for dogs chasing a rabbit across a street- so I panicked.
After 5 houses and around the corner, Dolly heard me and stopped. Franklin ran on (he sees rabbits as food, and being on a diet, there was no stopping him I guess). He gave up and walked to me when the rabbit went under a fence minutes later.
By that time I was totally hoarse. I could only whisper, and today, 4 days later, I'm just finding my voice again. I do, however, think Tom enjoyed his "quiet time" for the last four days!

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