There were just TWO instances of goofballs on their jobs yesterday.
1) The Post Office said they had "no further info" about the certified mail I sent on 4/30 from Md. to Calif. It has been 8 days. Turns out, the place I mailed it to DID receive it on 5/5, and the Los Angeles post office "forgot to scan the Certified Mail bar code." FORGOT! Didn't I pay for that service?
2) I called our bank and verified that a check sent to pay off a loan was received. The cust. service person said "You overpaid the loan (they apparently gave us a wrong payoff figure) and there's a credit balance. Did you want to close the account?" UM - the LETTER that accompanied the check said "please close the loan, this is to pay it off." DUH!!! - When someone zeroes out a loan, don't you think they want to pay it off???
- On another note: LENGTHY MEETINGS: I was in a FIVE, yes, 5 hour meeting Tuesday night. People were alloted a certain amount of time for their presentations, because it was supposed to be a 3 hour meeting. Obviously, they didn't heed it. Someone went on for 20 minutes about finding an "extra washer" near a spacecraft! **When I lead meetings, I MAKE people stick to their time. Nothing makes me more crazy than useless meetings where people waste time... Do you have a Meeting story?
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