Thursday, April 17, 2008

House Buyers and Greed

Another day, another ridiculous demand from the potential buyers of my townhouse and their spineless realtor, which I'll call Dumbhead, to make it easier. This time, Dumbhead and his buyers want me to pay $175 for repairs for "soft wood" around the sliding glass door in the basement that leads to the backyard.
My realtor told Dumbhead "that's ridiculous" and "this has to stop." However, Dumbhead (again, the buyer's realtor) said "too bad." Further, Dumbhead said "Well, my clients (the buyers) have to take care of the mold in the house." UM... I'M PAYING FOR IT! What dumbhead was bitching about was that the buyers have to take the money and schedule an appt with the mold eradicators, because the work can't be done before the closing date of 4/21 (next Monday)., my realtor said that Dumbhead "demands all the work be done before the buyers move in." Uh-huh. That means settlement will be moved, and I need to call the utilities back again. What a pain in the #$)^##$!!! All this for selfish, greedy people.
What Tom and I, and my realtor can't understand is why people can't work WITH you, and instead get greedy, demanding, petty, and nasty.
As I said to people before who were nasty to me years ago "You Reap What You Sow." Beware.
So, the house adventure continues into next week.

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