On 2/1/2008, Tom wrote to Congressman Demint (R) of South Carolina. He's one of those people I was talking about on an earlier blog- someone who thinks they're "holier than thou" and should be the last person preach about morals. Here's Tom's great letter!
Dear Mr. Demint: On my commute in to work this morning, I happened to catch a rebroadcast of your interview with Jerry Doyle yesterday.
First of all, it has been quite some time since I have heard a legislator that was so “off the mark”
as to what the purpose and function of Congress and the Federal Government should be. It is not the role of Congress to legislate morality. It is not the responsibility of the Federal Government to meddle in the affairs of the constituency.
If people lack morals, let them go to church or read a book; people should not be looking to Congress to provide a moral compass on how to run their lives. Besides, as so aptly demonstrated by the performance of the Republican Party over the past seven years, Republicans are not the ones that should be providing leadership in the arena of moral purity.
In my lifetime, there has never been a period where the Government has been led by a collective group of people so devoid of a moral compass – simply knowing the difference between right and wrong. The lies, corruption, deceit, and fiscal inappropriateness that have been so pervasive during the tenure of this current administration goes beyond the pale. At this moment, I have absolutely no patience for anyone that would vote for a Republican candidate in the upcoming elections in November. This country is heading is such a wrong direction; the need for change is great.
From your civics class in junior high school, in case you forgot, it is the function of Congress and the Federal Government to provide collectively what the States cannot provide on their own: provide for a common defense, build and maintain infrastructure, oversee trade and commerce, conduct dealings with foreign governments, etc. Congress should be involved with more global universal concepts, not meddling in the microscopic minutia of people’s lives.
Secondly, for some reason you feel it necessary to bash Gay people. Perhaps you feel that is a popular thing to do – to keep down an oppressed minority sector of our population – an especially popular thing to do within the ranks of the Republican Party. Well, I’ve got news for you: Gay people did not destroy marriage; straight people did a pretty good job of that themselves. Just look at the fine examples currently being tossed up as role models for our young people today: Britney Spears, Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton, Amy Winehouse are names that immediately come to mind.
If you were to open your seared mind and talk to a Gay couple about the struggles they are facing because of your ignorance, you might possibly change your mind. If you were denied the right to visit a loved one in the hospital, if you were kicked out of your home because you did not have the right of survivorship upon the death of your partner – basic fundamental rights that you should be entitled to as a tax payer and citizen born in this country – you would think differently. And in case you hadn’t noticed, Gay people were not hatched; they came from families just as you did. Gay people did not lose their morals and values when they became adults. So why you find it so reprehensible that Gays would want to form loving families of their own is beyond me.
And lastly, take your hate and your misguided opinions and values back to South Carolina. Your type of leadership has no place at the national level.
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