Saturday, January 26, 2008

Winter Wonderings/Book/Prayers/Love All

WINTER WONDERINGS - Did you ever notice that when the weather turns COLD, we can't wait for summer? In the summer, we can't wait for winter! That's what we're feeling now. It's been a COLD and rainy Dec. and Jan. this year in Maryland after a scorching and dry summer that finally ended on Oct. 24th. HOWEVER, it seems like it went from 90 to 50 or 40 (it actually did in one week in Oct., and stayed there). Wind Chills in Maryland this week have been in the teens, and high temps in the 30s! (Slightly colder than normal). So, we haven't hit the SNOWIEST month (Feb.) yet, and we want warmth!

NEW BOOK: "Howl" from the editors of BARK magazine- This is a collection of short, humorous stories about dogs! Great book!

THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS, PLEASE: There's a lot of suffering in the world- so if you're reading this- please keep "Mom" Jill Beyer in MD, in your prayers - she's got a surgery coming up; Rick W. in KY who is coping with heart issues in his early 30s; Kathy M. in FL whose mom just passed away; John K. in VA Beach who's practically been totally rebuilt with all the surgeries he's had.

LOVE ALL: Recently in the local paper, an older "church-going" woman wrote an editorial saying how people who are gay are less of a person than she is, and how they don't deserve love, kindness or equal rights. How sad for her. Perhaps when she passes on, she'll realize that God loves ALL of us.
I will Never understand people who claim to be religious that preach hatred, intolerance and separation. All people are God's children. Jesus never turned away one person, yet people who write and speak in His name claim it's okay to hate and be intolerant. Why can't everyone just "love thy neighbor" and "treat others as they would be treated?" After all, if two people share love, and God = Love, how in the world can love be evil? Answer: It can't be.

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